Sunday, July 8, 2012

Windows Customization

          Any tutorial dealing with Windows Registry requires the user to have at least some knowledge of computers. A single wrong move can destroy entire Windows. shall NOT be responsible for any loss. Do everything at your own risk.
1. Backup your entire Windows Registry first. To do this, open up Windows Registry using Run

2. Once in registry, you need to click File, and select Export to save the registry in a new file.
3. Save the registry file anywhere you’d like
4. Once you are done with the entire process of backing up the registry, let us get on with the tweak. Navigate to the following location:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Policies\System

5. Now make changes to the following Registry Keys.
legalnoticecaption – It is used to make changes to the caption
leganoticetext – It is used to make changes to the welcome text below the main caption


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